I may not talk like a Product Designer, Like using that specific terms that are used in commonly by Product Designer.

Reason : This is my First Case Study ( I will not even say that : Cause itโ€™s a Project I did in Time peroid of 3/4 Month. I want to take you through the journey of Building this application. )


โ€œ Writing the Case Studies and Documenting for Old Projects is such a Hectic โ€œ

<aside> ๐Ÿ“œ STORY


This was the First project I ever worked on with a team. It was the time of March 2023. When my friend called me as said that a Team is looking for a UI UX Designer who can make so interfaces for their project. Will you do it, if you are free ?

Internal Me : I knew I was learning UI UX from a course and doing the Projects which are covered in it only. The timeline was also really tight as Itโ€™s needed for a Project thatโ€™s big.

As a Fresher, for me it was only the game of making some Cool designs and Interface ( as what a Fresher will expect and will do ). Doing the research and knowing the whole timeline, making the adjustments to deliver the Product on time was not my thing back then.



If they asked to make a design for this feature. I will take some inspirations and according to only my thinking will create a Design for the same.

Even knowing the UI UX principles was far beyond my knowledge at that time.

<aside> ๐Ÿ‘ฅ TEAM MEMBERS
